SAS Group is established with motive to build nation through vast production in agriculture, industrial and technical sector. We are group of companies establish in Kathmandu center and production house are all over in Nepal. Such as one of our Farm is located in Jhapa, Ware House located in Birgunj. This is how we are also contributing generating employment and national production.

SAS Nepal Tour and Travel Pvt Ltd

SAS Nepal Pvt Ltd Travel & Tours serving you in flight booking and travel and tour packages. The travel agency promoting Nepal’s adventure sport like rafting, bungee, mountaineering, hiking, cycling around the world through website, Facebook and many other social sites.
SAS Organic Agriculture Farm Pvt Ltd

SAS Organic Agriculture Farm producing organic food through farming, fish, chicken, pig, duck and eggs. Producing such high demand food in nation will reduce importing such items. And have healthy benefits having organically produce in own country. Farming may also encourage young to leave country for income generation. Because today farmers also importing their product in international market, such as meat items, fruits, herbs etc.
SAS Restro & Hotels Pvt Ltd

SAS Restro is a hospitality business in Kathmandu. It is establish to fulfill quality food and good hospitality need of Nepal. You can have national, Indian, Chinese and other continental dish in our restro. Healthy and hygienic room and staffs.
SAS Real Estate & Investment Pvt Ltd

SAS Real Estate a business to deal with land and housing needs. We have solution of building home, dealing with properties, land owing and other real estate solutions. From the consulting to owing and documentation we have a proper system for your real estate solution needs.
SAS Traders Pvt Ltd

SAS Traders a business to trade national and international products, raw material and industries supplies. It offers export import of such product in easy way. Such as importing tiles, furniture and luxury items in mass scale. It is authorized dealer of Neply in Sano Thimi Bhaktapur and Pepsicola area. Beside that company also deals product of Fevicol, Shree Ganesh Ply, Hindware, Parywar etc.
SAS Entertainment Cinema pvt ltd

SAS Entertainment Cinema is established to produce quality cinema. It offers Videography in latest technology in affordable way.
भाउजुको ब्यथा

भाउजुको ब्यथा एक्कल महिलाहरुले समाजमा भोग्नु परेको पिडाको प्रतिनिधि कथा हो । प्रस्तुत नाटकले एकल महिलाले भोग्नु परेको यथार्थ कथा प्रस्तुत गरेको छ । एक्कल महिला हुने बित्तिकै समाज को नजर उनिहरुको दैनिकी , उनिहरुको एकल महिलाको घर मा आउने पाहुना प्रती जुन नकारात्मक भावना देखाउछन त्यसैलाइ कलाकारहरुले नाटक भाउजुको ब्यथा मार्फत देखाउन खोजेका छन । त्यस्तै एक्कल महिला त्यस्माथि उत्पिडित महिला,गरिब निमुखा महिला, शारिरिक रुपमा अस्वस्थ र अनुहारमा असुन्दर महिलाहरुलाइ बोक्सिको आरोप लगाइ उनिहरु प्रती समाजले गर्ने नकरात्मक सोच र व्यवहार बिरुद्ध ज्वलन्त आवाज नाटक भाउजुको ब्यथा हो भन्न सकिन्छ । उक्त नाटकलाई निर्देशन ठण्ड बहादुर अधिकारि (सास)ले गर्नु भयको थियो भने लेखन चलचित्र निर्देशक बिश्वदीप घिमिरेको थियो। निर्देशन सल्लाहकारको रुपमा अनुभबी रङ्ग्कर्मी प्रल्हाद खरेलको रहेको छ । कलाकारहरुमा प्रल्हाद खरेल, विश्व दिप घिमिरे , मन्जु गिरि , शान्ती भट्टराई शशी सेखर बुढाथोकी ,अशोक पहरी ,प्रीती भुजेल ,पुर्णिमा थामी ,रुपा शाही को अभिनय रहेको थियो भने नाटक श्रीभा सन्चारको आयोजनामा गरिएको हो ।
Pathivara Auto Company Pvt Ltd

Pathivara Auto Company Pvt Ltd is a premiere auto dealing agency. It offers wide range of used and reconditioned cars. Offers world leading brand auto like: Toyota, TATA, Chevrolet etc.